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Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm Back!

Returned this evening from my Tampa weekend getaway. We had a blast! On Saturday, we went kayaking on the Weeki Watchee river and saw 2 turtles, schools of fish, a snake, two manatees, and a partridge in a pear tree. It was an all day trip paddling in the sun, but the river was cool, clean and refreshing, and when we weren't tangled in the trees, it was relaxing (but, lord, did we paddle!). Then, Saturday night we went to Ybor city (party central for Tampa), and had dinner and then went to the bars.

It was a grand time, and because of the generosity of a girl who latched onto my group, it was also a very cheap time (no, I didn't sell her my soul or my body, but let's face it, people like me, and whether those people are boys or girls, they like to buy me beers). So, I had my free beers and danced, danced the night away. And at 2 a.m. we found ourselves eating bacon dipped in cheese, and it was awesome (I always believe in eating something after drinking and before bed, but I have to admit that it is when I eat the worst food).

Today we drove back, but stopped at an outlet mall and shopped some. I got home, enjoyed a burrito for dinner and now I think I will unpack and crash. I think I've had about 8 hours of sleep all weekend, and I can't wait to snuggle into my own bed with my snoring husband and farting dog.

Tomorrow I'll have to return to my running schedule: Beer, bacon and cheese don't burn themselves off!


Erin said...

Ah yes...a weekend of fun it was. I too am looking forward to a restful evening and then back on the bike in the morning to burn off not only the bacon dipped in cheese but also the 12 pack of beer I drank Saturday night.

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like a fun weekend!

Brooke said...

Bacon dipped in cheese. That sounds really good.
Glad you had a fun weekend.