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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tidbit Thursday

Yeah, that title would work better if today were Tuesday, but I can't force alliteration, people.

So, I have several random notes to include today, none of which is related by any one dominating theme:
  • We got a total of 5 trick or treaters last night. 5. This means about 10 lbs of candy remain in the Cauldron of Candy. I sure hope the house elves eat it before I do.
  • Speaking of house elves, they did a poor job doing my grading for me. I ended up having to read all of those papers myself -- and that didn't make me happy. Thankfully, I finished all stacks of papers, and for a brief few hours (until 6:30 this evening when I get a new batch), I am blissfully free!
  • It looks like FL is in the clear for TS Noel -- forecasts now say that it is going to miss us by a significant margin, so TS warnings have been lifted. Still a bit breezy out there.
  • I thought I was going to witness another duckicide this morning when a car hit the brakes before smashing an adult duck that was crossing the road. I feared for its life, so I turned my head and covered my eyes (I didn't want a repeat image), yet I was relieved to see that the duck narrowly avoided getting hit. Thank goodness.
  • Recorded another podcast with a colleague this week. See, last spring, I was invited to participate on a colleague's blog that he uses for one of his literature courses and I recorded a podcast discussion about John Updike's short story "A&P." This week, I was invited back. We discussed Raymond Carver's "Cathedral." The podcast isn't up yet, but if you'd like to visit the site (like if you're dead bored or you like the sound of my voice -- I know I do), you can do so here. I'm like the rockstar of the English department podcast.

That's it folks. Have a happy Thursday!


Wes said...

Well, you coulda called it "Thidbit Thursday" ;-) That's all good stuff! You will be a famouse podcaster!!!

miss petite america said...

omg! that is so not what i thought your voice would sound like...not that i can explain what i thought it would sound like but...

great to add another dimension to knowing jess :)

Nancy said...

OMG, guest podcaster, that is so 2008. You are way ahead of the curve. Sounds like you know your chizz too. Very cool.

I'm impressed, can you tell?? :D

Froyd said...

why is it that out of all of carver's stories, it's either cathedral or that story about the cake and the kid dying that people dig into?

Tri+Umph said...

You definitely could have worked elves into all of those topics to unite them under one common theme, I think we need a little more effort on your part, professor!

Glad to hear the storm is veering off into left field. Hopefully the wind will die down; I know I absolutely hate it when the wind turns MY pony tail into a knot!

Marcy said...

Now we just have to get you to do a phone sex operator stint. I bet it pays good :P

Tri+Umph said...

Wow Jess, you're right, Marcy does drag us into the gutter! Now you're going to have people find your blog when Googling for phone sex!

Froyd said...

Finally a way to cut down on my surfing time!

ws said...

screw the podcast...thanks for the good news on the storm!

I'll stalk your podcast next week when I'm home.

Unknown said...

Only 5 trick or treaters? Uh Oh. I hope you gave them each a huge handfull...I know that leftover candy is a bad thing (at least for me!!)

We only got 12 and they all came at once (one group). I had son give each 3 pieces.

David said...

If the house gnomes eat all that candy, how will they be able to fit under the couch to clean the dust bunnies? Nah, they have too much restraint.

You could experiment with eating some stuff on runs, though. Just no orange Starburst: those are just poop.

MNFirefly said...

Awesome post, Jess!

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Glad the storm is going to miss you guys....

I think we had 30 some odd tricksters...and alot of candy left over too....

Anonymous said...

Do you know Dr. Xiao Wang?


Krista said...

Ok, I listened because I am dying of boredom, but also because I love that story. Nice podcast. I'm jealous that you get to sit around discussing books all day - hearing this almost made me want to go back to school.

Laura N said...

Okay, this is too funny and so typical of me. I go to the site, click on the Robert Frost book since that's what's there and I didn't pay enough attention to which one you did, and I listen to the intro and the guest prof's credentials, and then hear the guest speaker who has an oriental accent. I'm thinking, whaaattt??? Then realize what a dumb ass I am. I go back and find the A&P podcast, and of course THAT's what you sound like! You have a lovely recording voice.

J~Mom said...

You are famous! Very cool podcast! You have a great voice!