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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Speed Demon

Last night, I ran my fastest three miles ever! (Well, not ever, but the fastest in a long time.) I don't wear a watch or a Garmin (I know, it's like running in the dark ages, but I hate the feel of a watch on my wrist -- it rubs my wristbone wrong), so I don't know my exact time and I have no idea what my splits were, but the kitchen clock said 7:56 when I left and read 8:26 when I returned. That's thirty minutes minus the walking out to the path and back time, so minus two minutes; that equals 28 minutes!

Basically, I was moving so fast, I was a blur to the naked eye, kinda like Superman.


Triseverance said...

Like Superman eh...hmmm maybe you were running against the rotation of the earth thus slowing down it's rotation and in effect slowing down time....(you know like when Superman saved Lois Lane) and if you slowed time.....were you as fast as you thought you were...???? It's all so confusing....Great Job Jess. :)

jeanne said...

congratulations! that is awesome. probably why it's hot here today (you know, you moved the air mass, that's how fast you were.

MNFirefly said...

Way to go! I guess I was not the only one who set a PR yesterday.

mouse said...

Jess, I thought of your cake loving self when I saw this today.

mmm... cake...

Unknown said...

My watch bothers me too. I hate wearing it...it just feels like it rubs and moves and I feel like crap when I run anyway I don't need anything else irritating me!

teacherwoman said...

Way to go! That's faster than I have ever gone!

Erin said...


Laurie said...

Superman!? More like Wonder Woman :)