Evening running this time of year begins to diminish as a possibility since it gets darker earlier, and by the time Norah's in bed (granted, she goes to bed blessedly early), I don't much feel like going for a run. To the contrary, most evenings, I only want to put on pajama pants and slip into a TV coma.
So, that means I don't have much to share right now in terms of running. Instead, I figured I'd entertain you with a few of Norah's more interesting exploits as of late. She's an active little nugget and every time we turn around, she's climbing into or onto something.
Here she is trying to climb through the bar chairs: I have no clue WHY she'd be attempting this maneuever, but she got stuck in the attempt. That's all I know.
I've been wondering, do you have blonde hair genes in your family? I apologize for my ignorance of genetics.
What a cutie! I can only imagine the joy she brings you both!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so pukey.
Hope you feel better! Love the dishwasher helper!
I love that she's in the dishwasher!
She does it, because she CAN!
What a cutie-pie.
Hope the nausea lets up a bit so you feel better !
Shes's so cute and adorable..
Ahhh the tv coma, I know it well. I've also caught Marcus in many of these same places...this whole crawling and climbing thing is a bit crazy!
She's soooo cute!!!! I agree it's an even trade between her and Scooter :)
That is one adventuresome kid!
congratulations!! i've been away from the blogosphere so I just found out about baby #2! i hope you start feeling better! but at least you've been there before and know what to expect.
Scooter's angst is a front. He's probably enjoying the distractions and taking advantage of every opportunity
Glad you're still able to get out for some fresh air. Hopefuly the nausea will subside and let you get your run on soon!
Norah is so adorable!!
Hope the pukiness goes away soon!!
I love the Norah pictures! Looks like she's having a blast getting in to everything!
That bar chair photo is so funny. Why do kids try to cram themselves into odd places? Maybe they are part cat? without the whiskers.
you have a little helper! train her so you can rest!
That's so cute!!
I find the picture of Norah to be so funny in the dishwasher! Eli is obsessed with touching the dishwasher everytime it is open! Of course never when it is clean....
aww norah is soo cute :)
greetings from Malaysia :)
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