My dad also had a good evening with Norah. They played with "every toy in the house" and he was especially tickled by Norah's purse fettish.
Today, then, we went to Butterfly World and Norah loved it! Too bad I forgot my camera (another FAIL!), but Norah loved watching all the different butterflies and she liked the flowers and birds as well. Very captivating for a little munchkin.
On the running front, I actually went out for a run today.
Since ending the streak, my running has been a bit...ummm...sporadic. Which is why I've made the executive decision to not run the Halloween HM in Miami Beach. It was a tough call because my pride and ego wanted me to do it no matter what, but my more practical side knows that I'm under-prepared and I know that while I would most likely be able to finish, it wouldn't be the race that I'd want. So, I've decided to bench it for this year.
It was a tough call, but I think it's the right one. I can always run it next year if I so desire.
For now, I need to focus on balancing everything better so that I can return to a more regular running routine. But, I also think that after the streak, I must've needed a little distance from running. Now that I feel like I've had the break I needed, I want to create a schedule that will enable me to return to regularity.
I'm sure there are plenty of winter half marathons there in FL to run. I'd love to do the Miami or Disney half but we can't afford the travel right now.
Very cute with the purse and the bye!
I love her purses. So cute.
Norah with her purses, ahhhh too cute!!! So glad y'all had fun at the wedding!! I think our bodies definitely let us know when we need breaks and when we're ready to go. After the Miami 1/2 last January I had to take a lot of time to recover. I ran the ATL 13.1 2 weeks ago today and yesterday I ran 9 miles and I am pretty sure I'm going to run the Charlotte 1/2. My body just feels better this time around!!
I think you made a good call on benching the race, you know when you're ready and when you're not.
best wishes finding balance
btw, i think you are in trouble. she likes handbags a little tooo much. Just wait until she's 16... ;-P
Sounds like everyone had a good night! Norah is too cute with her purses.
I love the pics with the purses - so cute!
Probably a good call with the HM. You'll have a better race once you nail down a training schedule.
"...a little 'distance' from 'running'..." You said that on purpose - right?
She is so cute!
If you aren't feeling the HM then you made the right decision about not running it. Good luck to you on figuring out a better schedule with more balance. :)
Your mind and body let you know when you're ready to get some regular running in, in the mean time Norah rules! OMG is is just adorable.
oh my goodness Norah and the purse's is too funny! how cute is that?!
As far as your decision I think it was a good one, if your just not there to engage in it 100% it sometimes is best to pass on it. I have had to do that in the past I know how it feels to go back & fourth in your mind over that kind of stuff.
Yes, a regular running routine would be nice. Tell me how you do it, and maybe I can follow suit. Cheers!
You'll get back into a comfortable habit when you are ready.
I miss the purse playing. LBM is all about trying to shoot, stab, wrestle or otherwise mame me. Oh little boys are exhausting!
good call, dont race until your ready again. good luck with your training
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