Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Run and A Latte: Must Be Feeling Okay
The (mostly) settled stomach has continued so far today (knock on wood), and I even managed to stomach an iced latte on my way in to work! I have been missing coffee like terrible (and going through caffeine-withdrawal alongside 1st trimester ickiness is not cool), but I haven't been able to even stomach the idea of coffee for the past month or so. But, I was feeling good, and I figured a latte would sit pretty well since it has so much milk in it. It...was...awesome!
Of course, after the first caffeine that I've had in over a month, I'm now a little jittery and the post-coffee slump will probably strike right about the time I have actual class, but it was so worth it! Coffee, I have missed you. I hope this morning sickness passes soon so we can re-kindle our love affair (in a moderate amount, of course -- preggo ladies have to limit themselves).
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Evening running this time of year begins to diminish as a possibility since it gets darker earlier, and by the time Norah's in bed (granted, she goes to bed blessedly early), I don't much feel like going for a run. To the contrary, most evenings, I only want to put on pajama pants and slip into a TV coma.
So, that means I don't have much to share right now in terms of running. Instead, I figured I'd entertain you with a few of Norah's more interesting exploits as of late. She's an active little nugget and every time we turn around, she's climbing into or onto something.
Here she is trying to climb through the bar chairs: I have no clue WHY she'd be attempting this maneuever, but she got stuck in the attempt. That's all I know.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Norah admiring the elephants (elephants not pictured here -- but use your imagination).
This was not the end of our zoo day, but it was the end of my camera's battery life. Which brings me to a separate note: I need a new camera! One that actually takes the picture when I push the button. Any recommendations? I want a point and shoot camera (I don't want to spend the money, nor do I want to have to return to school for a Master's in Photography for an SLR).
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Morning Sickness Redux
So, first of all, again the term "morning sickness"? A misnomer. As was evidenced when I puked up my chocolate ice cream the other night at 9:30 pm. (And BTW? Who knew that chocolate ice cream would burn coming up? Not me. I'd have guessed that one to be a smooth-puker.)
What triggers the barfisodes? Nothing and everything. That means there's no one thing that makes me want to hurl (ie, specific smells); I just feel nauseous all the time and, therefore, everything kinda makes me wanna hurl.
What helps? The traditional stuff: Ginger ale, saltines, Ramen soup, toast. Nothing very nutritional, but most days it's just about keeping my food down. That said, just as when I was first pregnant with Norah, I have a similar avoidance to meat. For some reason, when I'm eating meat right now I am just VERY aware that I'm chewing flesh. Disgusting, right? Exactly. So, I've been eating about 90% vegetarian lately, so I am getting my fill of fruit and veggies -- they just aren't always as kind as saltines.
Feeling sick like this on a daily basis wears me out, but I've been trying to do my best to trudge through my days and do my best at work and at home and with running (which, actually often makes me feel temporarily better; I think being out in the fresh air helps a lot). Today, though, I feel especially rotten, so I called in sick and cancelled my classes. I'm feeling guilty about that because I know this isn't like the flu, so a day's rest won't make it go away. I just have to deal with it.
Still, the extra rest sure is nice!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pregnant Running: Take Two
So, onto preggo running "take two":
Yes, I was finishing up the streak while preggo, but it was very, very early then and I actually didn't know I was pregnant then. Still, it does explain why the last week or two of the streak felt so draining and tiring.
Since the streak's end and the discovery of pregnancy #2, I have continued running, but have been keeping it short and slow -- not intentionally. In fact, I had hoped to be able to run the Halloween HM that I had planned on, but quickly it became apparent to me that the fatigue and barfiness from the 1st trimester were gonna hamper that effort. So, that's why I decided to throw in the towel on those race plans.
But, I do plan to continue running through this pregnancy, as I did when I was pregnant with Norah. And I would like to be able to race, but realistically, I think those races will probably be short distances.
Right now, I have been running about 3-4 days a week, and that's been fine. It's a good time of year to run, and while I'd like to be doing running that's faster and farther, I understand my limitations right now. So, in some ways, it's like starting a new streak: My goal is not to run every day, but it is to simply keep running for as long as this pregnancy allows me to do so.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Spillin' the Beans
Originally, I was gonna wait awhile longer to unveil this giant nugget of news on the blog, but seeing as all of our family and friends now know, I figured I may as well expand the web of knowledge to include you guys: the interweb.
So, there you have it: Norah's gonna be a big sister!
I'm due May 30th, so I'm still in the first trimester and have been feeling pretty much as I did when I was preggo with Norah: pukey and tired. Some days are better than others, but most days include at least some nausea and too many days include at least some barfing.
I'll write more on how this has impacted running as of late, but for now, I'll allow you to absorb the news and flood my comments section with "congrats!" Go ahead, let the gushing commence.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Back to Routine
My dad also had a good evening with Norah. They played with "every toy in the house" and he was especially tickled by Norah's purse fettish.
Today, then, we went to Butterfly World and Norah loved it! Too bad I forgot my camera (another FAIL!), but Norah loved watching all the different butterflies and she liked the flowers and birds as well. Very captivating for a little munchkin.
On the running front, I actually went out for a run today.
Since ending the streak, my running has been a bit...ummm...sporadic. Which is why I've made the executive decision to not run the Halloween HM in Miami Beach. It was a tough call because my pride and ego wanted me to do it no matter what, but my more practical side knows that I'm under-prepared and I know that while I would most likely be able to finish, it wouldn't be the race that I'd want. So, I've decided to bench it for this year.
It was a tough call, but I think it's the right one. I can always run it next year if I so desire.
For now, I need to focus on balancing everything better so that I can return to a more regular running routine. But, I also think that after the streak, I must've needed a little distance from running. Now that I feel like I've had the break I needed, I want to create a schedule that will enable me to return to regularity.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Catching Up
But, getting caught up at work also helped me to get caught up with some things at home, and I was able to actually clean, clean the house for my dad's visit this weekend. His trip is a last minute one that worked well with a meeting he has down here, so he's only staying the weekend, but it worked out well for us because he's gonna babysit Norah tonight while Jerry and I attend a wedding.
I just hope Norah goes to bed easily for him. The last time we had a grandparent babysit while we were at a wedding did not go well.
Should be a beautiful day for a FL beach wedding, though. It's the perfect temp out and I have the A/C off and the windows open today, which is glorious. Hmmmm, maybe it's a good day to actually go for a run? We'll see.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
In the meantime, certainly, I couldn't forget you guys, especially when I receive such thoughtful gifts like this:
I put the charm on a necklace with another running charm I have, and I think they go great together!
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Streaking: The Disadvantages
The Disadvantages
For me, the primary downside to streaking can be summed up quite concisely: I found that I often sacrificed quality for quantity. Or maybe I shouldn't even say "quantity." Perhaps "consistency" is more accurate. In short, I ran every day, but I didn't run far and I didn't run fast.
There are those runners out there who can streak and put in quality runs, but that wasn't me. I seem to be able to do one or other, but not both. When streaking then, my running energy and mojo had to be focused on the very simple task of running every day, just getting it done. This was fine for the summer months since I had no races on the calendar and no real concrete running or training plans, so just getting the running done was good enough. But, now that it's fall and I have a few races in mind, I didn't feel I could continue to streak and train.
The other principle disadvantage to streaking was that, at the end, I began to feel burned out.
I think this was because I'd been working with the same goal for 100 days -- run every day -- and I'm one of those people who needs to change things up just a smidgen every 3-4 months with a new goal. Plus, it's nice for me to have a little space between those new goals, so it was restful for me to end the streak and take a few days off before resuming my running again.
And for your info, I took 4 days off last week, and then began running again on Saturday, and right now, my primary goal is prepping myself for my Halloween HM (which I am currently feeling very under-trained for).
So, there weren't very many disadvantages for me, and I'm fortunate to be able to streak for 100 days and avoid injury. However, while the disadvantages were few, they were still significant enough that I couldn't picture myself continuing the streak beyond those 100 days. Last week, on day 101, I was more than ready to rest!