As for the rest of my weekend, it was just Norah and I since Jerry was out of town for a "man weekend" with his friends. So, what kind of exciting things did we do? Went to the park and ran errands during the day on Saturday, and then Saturday evening we went to a BBQ that the dean of my department was hosting. That was fun, and Norah got to hob-nob with all of my colleagues, and she was very good, especially considering that I kept her up past her bedtime.
Then, today, we went to a birthday pool party, and Norah had tons of fun. Our friends' backyard is pretty much the 1 year old's equivilent of Disneyland -- they have a pool, a kiddie pool, a playhouse, a swingset, and a water table. So, here's Norah enjoying the b-day party fun:
On the running front, I ran a quick 3 miler Friday afternoon while she was at daycare (especially quick for me these days -- I finished in 28:26, and considering that I went at 2:30 pm and the temps were in the mid-90s, that's not shabby). Then, she and I went for a short 3 miler yesterday morning. And today? Well, I wasn't feeling "up" to a run earlier this morning after our rather disruptive night of sleep, but Jerry returns home this afternoon, so this evening I plan on getting out for a solo run, and I'd like to do about 6 miles.
How cute is Norah in that bikini!
cute photos!
Glad the student is doing well.
What a sweet looking swimsuit on Norah! Sounds like a fun weekend!
Good to hear the student is doing well.
Sound like a fun girl weekend and she is too cute in this bikini:)
great pics of norah....nice job on the speedy 3 miler...
I love the photos. I am glad that your student is alright. I hope Norah feels better soon.
I love her little bikini.
*How cute* at the bathing suit!
I love her bikini...makes her look like she's got some boobies. :)
Great pictures! Love her little bikini! Sounds like a great "girls weekend" to me! I hope she sleeps for a while for you.
Glad to hear your student is doing okay.
Love Norah's suit! She is soo cute.
I hope you got out for your solo run.
I'm glad Norah had fun at the party. Rylee had a blast and she loves her pink lady jacket soooo much. After everyone left she wore it, the scarf and the glasses around for at least an hour. One of the best gifts ever!!!
Your girls are really cute!
Sounds like a great girls weekend! Hope the little one's feeling better!
Soo adorable!
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