The STP concert last night was an awesome time. I'll be honest, going in to it, I was a little leary of how Scott Weiland would perform: Would they be on time? Would he be wasted? Would the performance be incoherent? Thankfully, I was more than pleasantly surprised that they started on time, they performed an awesome show, and while he couldn't seem to talk coherently, he certainly sang well.
Here I am enjoying the tunes and the Bud Light. I partook in a little too much of the Bud Light. Feel a bit icky this morning.

Here's the 3 chicas: Erin, Crystal, and Me. We rock.

And here's the band. Scott Weiland, center stage, standing up on his own perfectly well. Maybe it's true: Maybe he is sober now.

All in all, it was a great time, and I really enjoyed the show.
On the schedule for tonight? Bowling.
Looks like a great time, Jess!
Awesome, glad you had a great time!
Ah, bowling...a little "hair of the dog", eh?
So they sounded okay?? I was wondering how they were doing...
Bud light...blech.
Have a good bowl tonight!
Ooooooo looks like a rockin time ;D ;D
You look like you had a wonderful time. Have fun at bowling tonight!
Two nights in a row of wanton craziness... I cant' stand it!!!
You're life is fun. I want to trade for like seven hours.
*tee hee* that first hand gesture would be wildly misinterpreted in the UK ;-).
What a great time! have fun tonight!
how was your day?
i liked your blog
you are fantastic!!!
really nice blog
fabulous fantastic
take care
see you
Como foi o seu dia?
Gostei de seu blog
você é fantástico!
realmente agradável blog
fabulosa fantástico
vejo você
Sweet time! Have a beer or two at bowling (ya, like you need to be told that, LOL), you'll feel better in no time...
Awesome. I was hoping you weren't going to say it was lamely cancelled by Fay.
Have fun bowling.
I heart STP! And way to throw the deuce in your first picture :)
looks like so much fun!
They were my favorite for a long time! Looks like fun. I'm jealous!
Looks like you had a lot of well-deserved fun!
looks like fun
Jeez, I want your life. STP, beer, and now BOWLING?!?!
Lucky. (said jealously)
Nice! Good luck bowling!
Looks like you had a great time!
looks like it was a blast
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