I'll be honest, I'm on day 3 of no running. My "plan" always goes downhill Thursday through Saturday each week. This morning my excuse was that I had a headache (too much wine last night, perhaps -- wine, in particular, seems to give me a nasty headache the next morning). So, since I have nothing on the exercise front to report, I figured I would distract you with some Scooter pics.
In any given week, I probably take about a dozen pics of Scooter. In part because I think he's always looking cute, but also in part because I'm fiddling around with camera angles and settings and he's a good subject to practice on (one day, I aspire to purchase a fancier camera and then the glorious pictures I will take with that!). So, this is a sampling of this week's pics: The first 3 are Scooter playing with an empty water bottle.
See, he has a certain technique that he learned from his dog friend Annie, and the whole goal of the game is to remove both the cap and the plastic ring under the cap.

I screwed this one on extra tight to try and get a few more minutes of play out of it for him. Generally, it's a game that takes about 1 minute.

There. Cap is off! Don't worry, he never swallows anything. And he loves this game. Just like with kids, some of the best toys for my dog are those that don't cost a thing. His other favorite "trash toy"? Empty paper towel rolls. In that case, there's no precision to playing with them; the objective is solely destructive.

Lastly, here he is chillin' in the sun on the red couch in the office. He likes to lay there while I'm blogging. That way he can keep an eye on me and he can relax in the sun. It's hard being a dog. So very, very hard.

But, now I have to go. Scooter is summoning me to throw toys for him. This dog? He has
THE life.
He's so darn cute.
Your picture taking is getting better and better. I stink at taking pictures (mainly because I can't get the camera to focus on what I see-I need one of those manual cameras). Be careful if you mention the photography hobby around Ryan...you know how he likes to have you commit to a hobby full on.
Scooter is so cute. How old is he?
I hear you on the wine front. If you don't have like a gallon of water before bed, you're guaranteed a headache.
Oy, wine does the same thing to me. And then when you add on yakking kids all day, it's a recipe for disaster. Which is why I don't drink vino too much LOL
Awwwhhh Scooter looks cute! I wish I could just throw some toys at the kids and they'd leave me alone :P
Scooter is sooooo cute. I'd take a zillion pics of that pooch!
Scooted is so cute. Definitely very photogenic
So cute, even though the pics make me sad. I miss my beagle who, as you may remember, was also named Scooter. :(
Scout loves to play with empty bottles too. It amazes me the things that will keep her occupied! Very cute pics!
It is the weekend I though we can post pone running plans then plus your off Friday so that is part of the weekend so there you have it. I can create excuse like nobodies bizz. I love me some Scooter pics. He is so darn cute with a personality that shines that shines through in pics like his momma!
cute dog.
get yer ass in gear.
I have to admit that my dog is cuter than your *snickering* JK - your dog looks so adorable.
Ahhh, the wine! My secret for ya is to drink at least 5 glass of water before bedtime. You will get up the next morning feeling like you didn't have any wine last night. Psstt - 5 is the magic number!
cute pics. I think my dog would eat/chew up the entire bottle rather than take off the top.
I have a cat that plays ice hockey (chases and bats an ice cube around the kitchen).
Enjoy your time off. And, love the scooter pics.
Yup. He's one lucky dog :-)
you know i walked/jogged 0 miles this week mostly 'cause i played tennis every day- i may venture out today it's just too damn hot.
oh! ps- i had a cho lab and i would buy those rubber thingies with holes in them and i would put peanut butter in the holes- he would gnaw at the thing for HOURS
Scooter is so cute!
ooohhhh, tooo cute!!! Love it!!
So so cute!
I've never been one to be jealous, but dogs definitely do have great lives. if only someone pampered me as much as I pamper my puppy...
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