Yesterday was a pretty relaxed day: The only two things that occupied us were the Olympics (we watched everything from beach volleyball to swimming to gymnastics to women's cycling to synchronized diving, phew!) and babysitting our friend's baby, Miller.
Our friends, Erin and Ryan, went to dinner for their anniversary and Jerry and I had volunteered to watch Miller while they enjoyed some time alone. Miller is a good baby, so it was pretty easy to babysit. Here's some pics:
Jerry feeding Miller with Scooter's supervision.

Scooter was a little jealous of Miller. It's not the first time Miller has been over, and Scooter has been to Miller's house plenty of times in the past, but this was the first time Miller was alone with us, and suddenly, Scooter's non-chalant attitude about him changed. He had a hard time accepting the fact that while Jerry was feeding the baby he wasn't allowed in Jerry's lap.

Here's me and Miller: He's getting so big so fast that soon he and I will be wearing the same shoe size!

Later, Miller fell asleep on Jerry's tummy as we settled in to watch some Olympics. I've mentioned it before, but this below is a perfect example of Jerry's Baby Whispering skillz. Miller is cool as a cucumber with Jerry, and he can't help but just fall asleep.

Scooter, as I said, wasn't ever far away. He had to keep a close eye on that baby -- and on the TV. He's a Phelps Phan.

All in all, it was a good day. And after Miller's parents came and picked him up, I cracked open a beer and read some of my book. Very relaxing.
Great pics! But be careful - those things are contagious!
Poor scooter. No wonder he's not feeling hisself, being dissed like that ;-)
I am glad he was good for you last night. Jerry must have whispered more than "you are sleepy" to him because once we got home he was ready to stay up and party!
Poor Scooter. We should have brought him something to know he is still loved by us.
Awww, such a cute post. Give Scooter extra rubbies and petties from me :-)
Awwwhhhh Jess that's so cute!! Dang Jerry's so good. I'm going to drop the kids off with him. Let's see if he's a toddler/preschool whisperer too LOL
Those pics are super cute! My pup also does not like to share! :)
How cute!!!
hahaha David, that is sweet of you to babysit. Miller would have been crying non stop if I'd been there, LOL...
Looks like a nice relaxing evening with baby. Hopefully Scooter has his space back now.
Adorable pics. You can see Scooter saying "What's going on here?" look.
How cute are the pictures. You better watch out Jerry looks really comfortable with a baby.
I am with you on all the Olympic watching.
Awww. I don't know who's cuter, Miller, Jerry or Scooter.
What adorable pictures!
Poor Scootie!
My MIL brought her new puppy to our house last weekend and our dogs got seriously worried/scared that they had been replaced! :)
So cute!!! Jerry looks like a real natural!
oh my god, miller is adorable! poor scooter, he wasnt getting any love that day!
Poor Scooter. Wrigley has never had a jealous bone in her body...but we will see what happens when she has a new brother or sister :) I can seriously feel Scooters pain from those pics!
As for the Olympics, we did most of the same last night. I really though that synchronized diving was pretty stupid...but thats just one persons opinion. The Phelps 4X100 relay was pretty sweet though!
I hope you had a Miller beer after the babysitting thing. Great Pixs!!! Jerry looks like a GREAT Dad, naturally! I am glad Scooter was supervising you guys!
Uh oh - watch out. Next thing ya know...
Cute!! What a cool kiddo. Sounds like a nice weekend. What's up with synchronized diving? Why is that sport? anywho :)
You two are great with Miller! Shiz I may move my butt down to FL for some mad skilled babysitas do you take off the chain 5 year olds?? I love how Scoote was in almost every shot. He made sure to not be forgotten. After Miller it was Millertime..except you drink Bud so no jokeity joke here.
Looks like a nice evening! What and adorable baby.
Those pictures are so cute! Our cats are the same way around friends' babies. We once had a cat crawl into a baby bassinet. It was slightly embarrassing.
Awwwww, those pics are so sweet. You're not kidding...Jerry is the Baby Whisperer. :)
and the baby holding begins....
:D :D :D :D
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