When I was growing up in CO, I used to pray to the snow-gods for snow days so we could sleep in and go sledding all day instead of going to school, but here in FL, clearly it doesn't snow. Instead, we have hurricanes. Not so great for sledding, but still good enough to give us a day off.

So, even though Fay is projected to swing WAY west of us, my college campus is closed tomorrow (Tuesday) in precaution of the storm. Despite the fact that the storm will (probably) not be a direct threat here, we will still probably experience some pretty heavy rainfall and some very gusty winds, and after this area went through Wilma in 2005, we all learned that it's better to be over-prepared rather than under-prepared.
It sucks to throw a wrench in my carefully planned semester, but it's also awesome to get a day at home. So, tomorrow when it's all blustery and nasty out there, you can bet I'll be curled up on the couch with a book, or maybe, depending on conditions, out there for some runs!
Coming from New England, I used to love snow days too. Enjoy your day off!
Can I take a sympathy day? By the way - my Mom calls them hurrycanes... b/c she hopes they hurry up and leave.
Enjoy the day off, but be safe.
don't you love how the cone of uncertainty (a) covers the entire state and (b) keeps moving around?
enjoy your day off...not sure about conditions out west, but when we get torrential rains here sometimes it is like a snow whiteout.
Enjoy the cane day! Ahhh remindes me of my FL childhood....
Be careful chica!! OMG you're nut if you run LOL
Yay for you! We don't get a day off unless there is a hurricane warning so I'm pretty sure I'll be heading in to work tomorrow.
Have a great day off and stay safe!!
I'm flying into Tampa on Wed morning.
I hope.
Enjoy your day off. I hope the storm doesn't get too bad for you guys.
any day off from work is a good one!
as long as you have power!
Enjoy your day off
I predict you will be running by about 9:30 tomorrow morning. I am just as happy as you to have the day off, but I have never seen so much hubbub over a rainstorm.
Please be safe. Sending positive thoughts your way.
I am happy I am on maternity leave since Ryan gets tomorrow off and I would normally have to work.
If you get sick of reading, let's drink!
Looks scary...yeah, out here we get earthquakes and fires...no snow days.
Stay safe.
Enjoy your day. An extra day to sleep in and do nothing sounds good to me. I am sure your semester will get back on track.
Yay for a hurricane day!
We still get snow days, and the rare tornado day....
last Hurrican that hit was Hurricane Hazel in 1954, I can remember (vaguely) having to hide.
Stay safe!
eeek! hope its an enjoyable day off and not a crazy one! saw your state on the news this morning so i was thinking of you! stay dry and safe!
The last time a Hurricane came by was when I was in Hilton Head Island. I was looking forward to it and it came out like a whimper! Stay safe and dry!
Hurricane days. I miss those. Especially in situations like this one where the storm is no where near you so you basically get a bonus day.
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