This morning, I had some end-of-term work to finish up on campus before I could be completely done with my summer classes (which ended yesterday -- wa-hoo!), so my plan was to sleep in some, go to campus, do my work, and then go to the campus gym and run on the treadmill. Well, I did sleep in, and I did go and get all my work finished (can I get another "wa-hoo!"?), but the gym was closed. I should have guessed as much that it would be closed until the start of the fall term in a week. Dammit.
So, I got back in my car and decided, "Hey, I'm in running clothes, I'm ready to run, I'm gonna go run, I'm just gonna have to do it outside in grueling temps. I can do it. I'm tough." I drove home, donned my visor and sunglasses, slathered on some sunblock, and headed out into the noon heat. Did you hear that people?! It was high noon! The current temp is 92 out there, humidity at 51%; thus, the "feels like" temp is a broiling 99 degrees. Here I am pre-run, ready to rock that motherfucking heat:

Those are actually Jerry's sunglasses. I don't actually have a pair of "sporty" sunglasses. Need to get me some of those. Anyway, back to the run: Truth is, while it was definitely a scorcher, I managed a decent 3 miler, with a total time of 30:16, which is a better time than Monday's morning run at 6:15 am (which as a scientific aside, despite the difference in temps for these two runs, the dew point was exactly the same, so even though one was run under cover of darkness and the other was run in the midday sun, the humidity was essentially the same). I brought a bottle of water along, and that helped, and actually, the worst part about running a hot run, is finishing a hot run. I swear, when I stop, that's when I
really feel the heat. Here I am post-run: Pretty, aren't I?

I was completely soaked in sweat, my face felt like a giant tomato, and I could feel my pulse rushing through every part of me, but I was glad I got the run done in such unsavory conditions. Truth be told, I'm feeling like a bad ass right now for such perseverance. I hope all of you are duly impressed as well.
Now that I am done with my work and done with today's run, I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon chillin' on the couch with my Scooter Dog, as per the example below, and I'm gonna read my book in the comfort of glorious air conditioning.

And tonight? I bowl!
You are a hard core runner, and I'm very impressed. Have fun at bowling!
Jess: 1
Heat: 0
That shizz ain't got nuthin' on you! Rock on with your bad self!
Have an extra glass of swill for me :-)! Good luck at bowling tonight!
You rock! And that was just what I needed to read to get my butt out on the road this afternoon when the sitter gets here.
Of course, I'm terribly jealous of the readin' and bowlin'. Maybe I'll just have to have myself a beer after the kiddos hit the sack tonight. And it won't be any of that yellow stuff you call beer. ;o) I'm thinking a nice dark porter, oh yeah. (And another reason I need to get out and do those miles...)
ROFLMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAA OMG that second pic looks like a Java (Lisa) face HAHAHAHHAHAAA. In fact I probably have one of those Lisa gems saved in my PB account (yeah Lisa, you know I have em :P)
Yes my dear, you are so hardcore!
Very hard core! nice work! Enjoy the rest of our day.
I'm impressedm and scooter-dog is the bomb.
Shhhheessh!!! I just don't know how you can run in this brutally hot weather. It was 66 degrees and less humidity this morning. Looks like it will go down to 63 tomorrow morning. That's a WAHOOO for me!
Pretty soon you'll be running at any time of the day no matter what :-) Ok. maybe not :-D
Right ON, good job getting out there! What book are you and Scooter reading?
I know what you mean. As soon as I stop running in the heat, I feel like I'll spontaneously combust. The cool down walk is like the worst part.
look how happy Scooter is to hang out with his mama ;)
I feel like I have to wait 15 minutes at least before I can even take an ice cold shower.Otherwise, Ill just need another shower
Have a great time bowling and dont forget to come home and give us one of your top notch reports
Wow! You do well in the heat. I admire you.
kick that heats butt!!!
awesome run
You deserve to rest in the air conditioning! Well done!
Nice job on the run. Scooter looks so content in your arms! I hope I don't have the done Feelin Hot, Hot, Hot in my head all day now!
Wow! You have officially hit crazy runner status. I always wondered why anyone would run at high noon down here and your reasons are logical but in my mind, hot sun = melted and sunburned Erin. I am impressed.
Wow you are definitely a bad ass! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day vegging out after that run!
First, thanks for getting the Michael Scott version of "Hot, hot, hot" stuck in my head (the episode where he came back from Jamaica).
Second, good for you! Those can be some tough runs, and with no sweat evaporation, the heat just clings to you. Sure feels good to finish, though.
Love the before and after pics! That's some heat!
But you looked all settled in later....
Love the pics!
I hear ya about finishing a hot run being the worst part. Trying to peel off sopping wet, stuck-to-your-skin running clothes, literally squeezing sweat out of your hair. Ewww!
Kudos to you!
Reading about your runs in the Florida heat & humidty makes me slightly less inclined to wine about our southern Ontario summer running conditions. But I still will.
You ran at high noon?!?!?!?
You are HARD.CORE.
That sounds like crazy talk! Hope bowling went well!
Oh my gosh, I just read Marcy's comment. I am so going to have to beat her in the WL challenge.
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