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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Much Better

So, earlier today when I said I wasn't gonna run today? Yeah, I lied. I ended up running 5 miles, and everything about these miles was the antithesis of yesteday's crap run. 2 aspects of today's run were particularly conducive to a good run:

1. Cooler weather: It's in the 60s today with overcast skies and a breeze -- perfect for running!
2. I added some new tunes to spice up my playlist:

The Fratellis "Chelsea Dagger"
The Fratellis "Flathead"
Smashing Pumpkins "Tarantula"
Paramore "Misery Business"
Foo Fighters "Skin and Bones"

So, those factors, plus the fact that it's a whole new day, made my 5er much better. The only issue? Garmy had a hard tme with both finding and keeping a signal today. I had to stand out there for about 5 minutes for it to find its initial signal, and then in my first mile, I lost a signal for about .10 of the mile. Thus, my time on the first mile was recorded about 45-60 seconds slower than it should have, which means my total time was actually about that much faster too.

1: 10:11
2: 9:34
3: 9:10
4: 9:20
5: 9:29

Total Time: 47:48

Anyway, this wasn't the intended 8 miler for the weekend, but it does greatly improve my running spirits. And now I must skeddadle: we're off to meet some friends to see "Cloverfield" (hope the movie is more than just hype).

And that whole business in my post this morning about giving up alcohol for the week? I lied about that too. I can't go a whole week with houseguests without imbibing in some delicious cocktails! That was just crazy talk this morning.


Tri+Umph said...

You sound like a college student the morning after a big night drinking: "I'm never drinking again!"

Until that evening... ;)

Steve Stenzel said...

The 60s? THE 60S?!?

I hate you. I ran when it was 6 below today.

I hate you.


Marcy said...

Dang, I could use some cocktails myself. Who cares if I'm about to hit the bike, it might make things more interesting :P

J~Mom said...

I am going to check out your new tunes! I was just hunting around for something new myself and came up empty handed.

Anonymous said...

Great job! Way to get out there and have a nice run. You deserve a drink for that. Good luck this week with your guests and Miami!

Junie B said...

I saw you guys had some cooler weather and thought of you! Its been REALLY cold ass here...freaking ice on my windshields this morning, since I parked on the street last night at GID's house. Ugh.

And like I said to Lisa, I like you too much (too) so I am going to pour myself a beer tonight. In a fancy glass and everything.

Oh and dont you just hate the overcast-ness that jacks with our Garmys?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a solid run according to Garmin. Going without alcohol is overrated anyways.

P.O.M. said...

I swear new tunes can make the run. Oh and being hydrated :) That helps.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Laurel said...

Glad to see you're feeling better with the running. Sometimes 11 hours of sleep and some new tunes is all you need ;)

I'll email you this week about meeting up this Sunday. We have a tent and I will send you a map of where it is.

teacherwoman said...

I agree with Steve... the weather up here is just plain nasty!

Glad to hear the run went better today.

David said...

Sounds like you were pretty drunk this morning! LOL Glad your 5er was better today. I'm really looking forward to your opinion of Cloverfield. I can't figure out from the commercials if this is even remotely original, but the special effects look good.

Anonymous said...

I dream of the 60's! Nice job on the run.

Viv said...

Great news that the rest helped ya out. Sometimes, you need it.
Perfect running weather, great music, great run...cheers!
Hope the movie was good. Give us a review Monday.

MNFirefly said...

I would LOVE to be in the 60's. It's MUCH better than single and negative digit here in Chicago.

Nice job running today.

TonyP said...

Way to go. Gald you are feeling better.

ws said...

great job on the fiver...enjoy your tapering week and hopefully the cool temps will continue until Sunday.

Wes said...

Way to bounce back, chica! I musta missed the part about giving up alcohol. Good thing too. I think I'd a fainted :-)

L*I*S*A said...

Baby steps, Jess, baby steps. Instead of three martoonis, perhaps shoot for two. ;)

Great run, by the way.

Erin said...

My personal best for a 5K was after a night of heavy drinking. I paid for it dearly by not being able to move for the next week but never give up alcohol. It would just depress you and leave you wanting more. Trust me...5 more months to go until luscious cold Miller Lite can be consumed in copious quantities!

Steve Stenzel said...

HA! LOVED your comment!

Yes, I've heard of the "indoors." It's just that I'm a nice guy, and running on a dreadmill makes me want to kill. I can't STAND IT! And it's not good for my knee.

Lori said...

So glad you got your run back! Good luck with the in-laws and probably an excellent idea that you rethought the alcohol ;)

Mendy said...

Glad your run went better. Great splits too.