First of all, I got this picture, below, via email from
Lisa this morning, and really? It's just priceless -- and I so wish I could have been part of the RnR in AZ crew this year -- but next year, if you guys are still planning on reconvening for the event, you can count me in! Until then, I think I might have to save these homies as my screensaver :)

But, speaking of sportin' the classic Jess rock 'n roll pose, tonight I'm gonna be holding the devil horns high as I rock out to the Foo Fighters! Seriously, I'm psyched to see Dave Grohl and his fellow bandmates return to South Florida to rock the hiz-ouse. We saw them about 2 years ago when they swooped through on tour with Weezer (another of my favs) and the Foo were friggin awesome -- truly, they are a band that really rocks to see in concert. And tonight is gonna be even more swawesome (that's "sweet" + "awesome" -- I would like everyone to start using it regularly since it annoys the crap outta my husband, who swore to me last night that he is only going to use it to mock me) because we got really swawesome (see how versatile it is?) seats. Honestly. If I wanted to, I'm gonna be able to spit (throw my bra) on Dave Grohl -- we're that close.

And, what makes this event even more swawesome is that Jimmy Eat World is opening for them and I *heart* Jimmy Eat World (even though none of my concert companions really care for them). So, this afternoon after class, I'll need to run my 3 miler as speedy as possible, so I can get ready for pre-concert dinner and drinks. Hmmmm...what should dominate the run's playlist? Perhaps a little Foo and a little Jimmy Eat World? I think so!
OHHH the Jess pose is swawesome!!
You are the last person I would expect to make up a word. I'm loving it. I'm always erasing my double !! thinking, oh I bet she's sick of my inappropriate ways.
Have a great time.
Holy crap I'm so jealous. If my bf didn't exist I'm sure I'd be married to Dave Grohl by now. Seriously, he couldn't resist me!
So jealous, have a great time!
Have fun-it sounds like you will!
Jess, you definately have to come to AZ next year. Wish you were here this year. Have fun at your concert.
You were part of the crew... Just a remote part :-) I know. It's not the same...
Have fun at your concert! Hopefully the meet up will be closer to the south next year. I wanna go too!!
He he he...glad you like the Jess pic! :>) In our minds you were practically with us.
Have fun tonight!
LMAO, David even had a couple beers for you too :P
Maybe you could throw your panties on stage instead? ;-)
someone else is using swawesome!
I feel I've been completely validated.
dude, total swawesomeness. I'm making a trip up the Minneapolis toward the end of February to see to see the Foo with one of my college roommates. WAY EXCITED. I want a total recap of the evening so I can know what to expect.
I'm sure said recap will be filled with swawesomeness.
(god, your husband's going to hate us.)
Have a great (can I say swawesome?) time!! And make sure to wear your most rockin-est bra!
And let's get the JavaFest 2009 plans in the works already! ;)
Love the picture! And have a blast at the show!
WooHoo! You are going to have so much fun! How about Virginia Beach in August? We're already working on that one ;)
You're so dedicated to get your run in BEFORE you go. Shooot - I'd be pre-partying :) ha ah.
have a blast!
Enjoy the concert!!!
Love the new word! That's swawesome!
You are totally rockin' on the running, Jess. To get your run in before a Foo concert, wow! I now need to see whatcha been up to over the long weekend. Thanks again! We were wishing you were there with us. Next time, k?
Lori's right... va beach RnR Aug 31? you in?
Rock on! Try not to wake us up when you come over after to hit the pool and grill steaks. :)
I love that picture! How fun is that!
Swawwwwwesome! Love it!
i am truly amazed and inspired that you are running BEFORE a concert of that magnitude. I, personally, would cozy up next to some good friends and good beer and "mentally prepare" for the upcoming experience. What a dedicated runner!!!
What a great pic! And kudos for getting your run in before the concert!! That truly is dedication.
I was at that Foo/Weezer show!
mmmmmm....Dave Grohl.
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