So, as I finished my 1.6 miles last night, I resolved for my morning run today that "picking up the pace" would be this run's primary goal.
Generally, with the stroller, I have been running a 10:30 min/mile pace. So, before we headed out this morning, I decided I wanted to aim for an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, which would mean really making an effort to move my ass.
In the first half a mile, I was chugging along at the standard 10:30 pace, but I was running in to a headwind and I figured a half a mile's warm up was necessary (my hammies have been a little tight the past few days). But after that initial half mile, I tried to consistently pick up the pace and in each mile I was a bit faster:
Mile 1: 10:24
Mile 2: 9:58
Mile 3: 9:47
Total time: 30:12
Average pace? 10:04 min/mile. 4 seconds slower than I was aiming for, but c'mon, see that 3rd mile? That's a speed-demon pace for me and the stroller! Overall, I was happy with the run, and I proved that I can go a bit faster with the BOB, so I guess that means that I need to make such an effort a more regular part of my weekly runs. Clearly, speedwork can be accomplished at the helm of the stroller, so I don't have any excuses to avoid it.
Woot! Good show not letting Norah slow you down!
Can you do normal stroller runs and then separate speedwork sessions? Maybe that would increase your stroller runs too.
that's a great time for 1.6 miles! and your 3 miles was my "normal" pace and I never pushed a stroller! you go girl!
Your time this morning was awesome!! I'm so inspired!!
Great job pushing yourself with that stroller. It is what you have to do when you are pushing it all (most of) the time. With 95% of my runs with LBM I understand the mental block of, "Oh, I can't run any faster because I have the stroller." It's when you figure out that you CAN do it and the stroller is merely an additional tool to help you be that much stronger than the others out there. It's almost like a secret weapon!
great job pushing yourself while pushing a stroller! I can't imagine pushing a stroller on the run (although, I will one day). I admire those women I see out on the street hoofin' it with a baby out in front!
Nice job with the speedy stroller run!
I think that 3rd mile trumps the rest of them! Nice job! And throwing speedwork in always feels like your mixing things up - a plus!
I can't imagine how tough running with a stroller is - I find it hard to run even with holding a waterbottle!
nice work!! that is a significant improvement in time!
You do know that you are training Norah to be a future speed demon!
Don't be surprised when she gets pulled over. Just warning you ahead of time...just a bit early.
seriously pushing a baby and a stroller has to be so much harder!! i bet you see big results when you go to race or something stroller free :)
I see women in my neighborhood running with double strollers AND A DOG all the time. I know it can be done, but I have no intention of doing it ;)
You are awesome and continue to push yourself, which is just amazing. It also proves you are a true runner ... and you get to spend that time with Norah too!
Nice job, girl!
Was Norah sitting up in the front of the stroller going WEEEEEEEEE!!!!??
man, good work!
nice work on the speed!! and i like your use of the word "helm" :)
Awesome!! Isn't it exciting when you discover you have even more strength and speed than you thought??
You are doing soo good! You can be very proud of yourself :)
gahhh you are going to be faster with a stroller than I am without...i really have to get to work
wow, nice job...
That must be such a workout! Way to push the pace. I'll bet Norah was having fun flying down the sidewalk too! "Faster, Mommy!"
Nice work! Show that stroller who's the boss.
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