So, we ran the mile back home, and by the time we got there, it had stopped raining entirely.
And that seems to be the pattern so far this morning. After the run, I showered and Norah had a snack and then we headed to a nearby park for some outdoor fun. The rain clouds were still ominous in the distance, but I figured any time at the park is good time (anyone with kids can back me up on this: any time outside playing = good napping), so we played and the rain stayed away for about 35 minutes, but then the skies opened up and we were outta there.
And, by the time we got home, again, it had stopped raining entirely.
With the rain clouds following me in this way, I'm feeling a bit like Eeyore this morning!

I know those days ... and PS - Eeyore was always my favorite. I love that he always lost his tail :)
What a weird day. At least you were able to enjoy some of the outdoors before each of the downpours. Hope it was enough for Norah to have a nice long nap!
That's so awesome that you kept the streak going!!!
Sigh, oh well.
Congrats on getting out there a little bit, despite the rain. Cheers!
Good going on the running streak and doing it with a young child! So many women use this as an excuse; both of you are reaping rewards! I will not complain too much about our humidity after reading about yours!
Great job getting out there.
You need to get a weather shield. It also help in the winter...How cold does it get in FL? Anyway, it is so worth the money! It keeps wind, bugs, rain out and heat in.
I too feel like a nap. Yawn.
it's yucky here today too. Glad you got a little bit of a run and park time in!
July has been a complete washout here in Ireland - after a beautiful May and June. Still, there is no better way to enjoy rain than to run in it!
At least you got in a short run and a little play time. Plus, rainy days make for great nap days!
Eeyore is my favorite. At least there's that!
Weird weather! Way to go on getting out there!
Way to get out there despite the weather! I'm glad you were able to get something in to keep your streak going!
Summer in South FL: surprise thunderstorms lurk around every corner.
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