So, our usual morning run got rained out. Despite now owning the weathershield, I wasn't going to take Norah out in the torrential rainfall, nor did I feel like going out in it myself. But, by early afternoon, and rain all. day. long, tension in the house was running high. I was feeling irritable and impatient. Scooter was annoying the crap out of me (I don't know if the storm made him nervous or what, but every time I turned around, he was right underfoot). Norah had only napped a total of 40 minutes all day and she was a royal crab apple: I could not muster up the energy for the 20th reading of "But Not the Hippopotamus" and she dissolved into a shitticane of tears.
If I didn't figure out something soon, our house was gonna transform into Thunderdome.
If I didn't figure out something soon, our house was gonna transform into Thunderdome.
Thankfully, at about 2 pm, the rain abated. The clouds still looked omnious, but I decided to take my chances. I needed a run.
So, I got in running clothes, loaded Norah into the stroller (made sure we did have the weathershield with us), bid Scooter "adieux," and we were off! As soon as we got out there, I knew I'd made the right choice: The rain stayed away the entire run and we certainly both needed to get out and get some fresh air. However, just because we stayed dry, doesn't mean the run wasn't without its unique trials.
It wasn't too hot -- the rain all day kept the temp moderate (although, it was still in the 80s) -- but it was VERY humid, and VERY windy. At one point, my route took me head-on into the wind, and it required a two-handed handling of the stroller. I felt like I was running in place! Still, despite those challenges, I race an average pace of 9:56 per mile -- I guess I had some pent up Mom-anger to get out!
It was a good run, and I definitely needed it. When I got home, I felt better and was able to be a better mom to Norah and Scooter. And, without that run, the rest of the afternoon would have almost certainly involved a throwdown of some kind because Norah really tried my every last spec of patience I have in me today.
Thank god it's Friday, and I don't have class. That means that it is now 6:12 pm, Norah is in bed, and Jerry and I are ready to start our Friday night. Which, I'm gonna be honest, is gonna revolve around draining this little baby:
If I drink it out of a race glass, that makes it healthier, right?
It was a good run, and I definitely needed it. When I got home, I felt better and was able to be a better mom to Norah and Scooter. And, without that run, the rest of the afternoon would have almost certainly involved a throwdown of some kind because Norah really tried my every last spec of patience I have in me today.
Thank god it's Friday, and I don't have class. That means that it is now 6:12 pm, Norah is in bed, and Jerry and I are ready to start our Friday night. Which, I'm gonna be honest, is gonna revolve around draining this little baby:
Our other exciting plans for the night involve a pizza, which has been ordered and is on it's way, and a movie from On Demand. Who needs to leave the house on a Friday? We have keg beer, pizza and movies here at home!
I am glad that you got to go out for a run. My clan is currently driving me bonkers and I am on my way out (soon). gah!
I am drooling over the Newcastle! Yum.
Sweet! Does this mean your weekend may be a tad less productive than planned?, pizza, movie. Sounds like a perfect night to me!
Have fun!
LOL, the beer is way more healthy when you drink it from a race glass (which, btw, is a really cool one). Glad you were able to get out for a sanity run today - enjoy your weekend!
That beer does look healthier in a race glass!
I do love some Sandra Boynton books for the kids though.
Of course beer is healthier from a race glass! We got this keg thing for a wedding gift. Jason was extremely excited about it. We haven't tried it out yet.
Shitticane . . . I'm seriously going to have to use that term.
I am almost certain that beer in race cups have absolutely zero calories!
this reminds me why i say toddlers and teenagers are alike in many ways. you think she's trying your patience now, wait 16 yrs!
yay for running off pent-up mom anger!
Yep, kids and dogs can try a persons patience. I feel for you, but on the other hand I am pleased to see the differentiation of the scene that your husband paints at work that is full of rainbows and unicorns, and the scene that you deal with on a daily basis.
What a fabulous Friday evening!!! So glad you were able to get the run in!!
I swear I don't know how moms who don't run survive. I'd either be in jail for selling my children or be a 500 pound alcoholic if I didn't have running to keep me sane.
Your evening plan sounds awesome.
Love the mini-keg in the fridge! Tasty! Glad you were able to get out - it's amazing what a little run can do for us! Hope you enjoyed your evening with Jerry!
Congrads on getting your run. I hope Bonnie does not wreck the rest of your weekend.
The glass makes the beer look even better than it probably already is! Have a great weekend!
I feel your pain - But Not the Hippopotomus is stuck in my head like a bad 80's one hit wonder. Maybe I'd appreciate it more after finishing a mini keg. Good job fitting a run into such a bummer day!
Love your site! I'm more of a novice runner, so no marathons for me...yet!
I'm sorry your patience but tested but I'm not surprised at all you came through it all w/ jokes and a smile for the blog! You're such a trooper!, maybe we'll order one of those tonight- it's been a while! Your Friday night sounds perfect to me :)
Sometimes you need a night like that... after a day like that!
Sorry no comments lately. I've been reading, but my phone has been resisting making comments for some reason. The word verification won't show up. Anyway, just wanted you to know we're keeping up! :)
love the little mini keg! Glad you got your run in. My little monsters are much easier to deal with after a run too.
Looks like you had a great Friday night planned--those are my favorite kind!
And being cooped up in the house all day is just the worst. Glad you got your run in, sounds like it benefited everyone!
Glad you go tto run it out - sounds like JUST what Momma needed! Hope you had a great Friday night!
I recently found your blog because I googled for "running while pregnant." No, I'm not pregnant, though I hope to be one day! Yes, I am a runner (though my pace is more similar to your preggo pace than your normal pace). I enjoyed reading all your posts through pregnancy and feel like we would have lots in common (keg of newcastle in your fridge? LOVE. IT.!) I'm now officially subscribed to your blog and can't wait to hear more about your running adventures! You may even inspire to update my own blog more than once or twice a year.
Love it! Too funny, that is exactly how our Friday nights are these days....
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