This morning, Norah got up at a time that is more routine for her: 6:30 am. Here she is at breakfast with an expression that seems to suggest, "C'mon, Mom, I'm still in my PJs and haven't combed my hair yet! Give me a break -- you're like the friggin' paparrazzi!"

I concede, aside from babies, only celebrities have more flashes going off in front of their faces. Sorry, Norah, but I think your bed-head is cute!
So, with the more normal wake up, Norah and I were able to get out the door for our 3 miler a bit earlier than we have managed the past 2 days.

The half hour or so doesn't really make
that much of difference, temperature-wise, but getting out there and back a bit earlier just
feels better. Here's Norah, post-run, hydrating:

Yes, she was still in her PJs, but that's her priviledge as the rider instead of the runner. Besides, she doesn't get sweaty and gross like I do:

So, all in all, it was one more run down in the books, which makes for 20 consecutive days of running: One more day left in this streak!
That makes Norah smile.
Nice job getting out there again. Cute pics!
Nice job! It's gross and humid here in AZ today. It probably feels like FL! lol
Great pics of Norah. I like the bed head too!
PS: "cooter check-up" you crack me up!
I love Norah's chubby cheeks. She's such a happy little baby.
Good job on the streak. Here's to just one more day! :)
That's one cute running companion you've got there. I miss the days of the jog stroller.
Adorable! Besides, we have the right to snap photos whenever we please, we change all those dirty diapers and give birth to them! hahaha...
One mo' day! You can do it waterboy........
You are rockin' the streak!!! Is that a Garmin 110? I've been considering one; do you like it?
I wish I looked that cute in the morning!
One more day!!!
I love the photos! Yeah for getting out early. I was up @ 5 this morning to "practice" knowing that tomorrow will be 4 a.m. Ugh!
21 days woohooo! New Habit! Now are you going to go for 30???
Norah is so lucky she can go about her day in cute PJs! Have a great weekend!
Nora is such a cutie! My daughter had those pjs on today too! Great job with the streak!
20 days is mighty impressive, lady!
Norah's getting so big!!! She looks so tall in the second picture where she's sitting up! Hoooray for one more day left in the streak!
congrats - one more day to go!
haha this picture and caption is hilarious!
great job!
and she is too cute
I swear you are never more photographed than when you're a baby--especially if you're the first born.
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