In many ways, it's a long day.
And it starts all over at about 6:15 the next morning. So, there are certainly days when I don't want to run, don't want to continue this streak. Some days, in my mind, I have a little hissy fit that goes like this: "I don't wanna run! I'm tired! I've been running for the past 37 consecutive days! I deserve a day off!" Yes, very whiny, I know, but in my mind, in that whiny moment, my excuses feel legitimate. I think many of us feel this way, and I think that's okay. We can all have those internal hissy fits, and even sometimes succumb to them (we're human, not robots, afterall). But, what helps me move beyond the childish thinking and lace up my shoes and tackle that daily run even when I don't want to?
Habit, mostly.
But also? I think of this Nike ad:
The type is kinda hard to read, but it says, "Someone who is busier than you is running right now." Usually, this sort of emotional provocation in advertising does nothing to motivate me, but I saw this ad in Chicago's Nike Town 3 years ago, and for whatever reason, it has stuck with me ever since. I literally think of it every time I want to bail on my run because I feel as though I have either too much going on or have too little motivation or desire to run.

Thinking of this ad just helps me put running into the level of importance that I want it to have in my life. I'm busy being a wife, mother, and teacher, but no matter how busy I am, or how tired I may sometimes feel, running is important to me, so I have to make time for it.
We all have something that provides us with this same kind of motivation. Maybe it's an ad. But, probably it's something else: What do you think of when you're dragging your feet about a workout and struggling with the inner hissy fit?
This will seem all sappy, but I think that I workout because I can.
occasionally I can't (when sick or injured) and someday I won't be able to, but most days I can.
I've reconnected with a few people from my past through FB. One has ALS; she can't talk, feed herself, roll over, etc. Another was hit by a truck and is now a paraplegic.
They can't. I can. Doesn't take too much more than that to get me moving.
In the dead cold of a Minnesota winter while training for a February Marathon, I was at a fund raiser walk for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. The speaker - a 15 year old with recurring brain tumors - said "these kids are fighting for their lives every day and all you need to do is walk for a little while today". It struck a chord deep within me. I swapped out walk for run and anytime i don't want to run or start doubting what i am doing out there I think of those words - All you have to do is run.
I'm with Lisa, the fact that I can is my motivation.
I haven't seen that Nike ad before. I like it, and I feel it. We all have our down/lazy/overworked times. Whine a bit and then get back to it :D
That is definitely motivating, and I often think the same thing. When I don't want to get up to run in the morning, I remind myself that I always have a better day if I start with a workout. Five minutes of feeling a little tired while I drag my butt out of bed is way easier to deal with than a whole day of dragging.
I think for me it's knowing that no matter how tired I feel I will feel so much better after working out. I find motivation from reading your blog, and other runner's who blog. Lisa is right, Plus the other's mentioned this and I agree, I'm blessed to be able to run and go work out.
That is a great ad. Simple vet motivating. I'll have to remember it next time I feel like I'm too busy.
Awesome job on continuing your streak!
That is a great ad! I'm enjoying everyone's responses here.
I know I ALWAYS feel better after a run, no matter how busy or tired or grumpy I am. That usually gets me out of bed and out that door!
That's an inspiring ad! Def needed right now!
I definitely have similar internal hissy fits! I love that ad though - definitely going to keep that in mind.
Thomas Jefferson said "We never repent of having eaten too little." I never regret going for a run, but I almost always regret skipping out on one.
That is a great ad. I've seen it several times and love the encouragement it gives on those dragging days.
Today is my day # 79. This morning I seriously thought about how tired my legs were from all that I did over the weekend and Monday (busy day) so after getting up at 4:30 with the little guy I fell back to sleep until 6. I played the "just five more minutes game" for a while and then jumped out of bed and laced up for my run. I think it's habit. I think it's understanding that later may not come. I think it's knowing that I always feel better after a run. I think it's knowing it's my choice.
I don't know if I will make 100 days but I know that if I chose to stop before my goal it will be a choice that I make to stay healthy not because I feel too tired that day. Today I chose to run.
awesome poster. keep up the great work!!
I always liked a Nike ad that I saw a few years ago. It said "Go ahead. Skip your run today. You are the only one who will know" at the top. At the bottom it read, "but isn't that one person too many."
There was another series of advertisements that showed different situations that keep people from running. I remember one was a thunderstorm; another was a hectic day at work. The tagline read, "These are the days that separate the runners from the joggers"
I so freaking love that ad. Thanks for posting this!
That was a really well written piece, certainly hit all the spots for me with regard to those days that you just don't want to go out. Whenever I feel like its a drag to go out running I just imagine I'll take it easier on myself than what I've scheduled: do less or do it slower. The truth is that once your out there you'll feel fine.
what a great ad....i need to put a poster of that on my bathroom wall...
I LOVE this ad, I will print it out and stick on my fridge! :)
My motivation is that I will feel so much better afterwards and also blogging is a big motivator!
I think I lack in motivation right now and that's a good part of my problem :)
Motivation is key ... and it's what helps us be successful at anything we do. We just have to find the right motivator!
That's an awesome ad. I need that reminder that my life is not the busiest ever...
That is a good ad. I sometimes need to remember that I'm not really as busy as I think I am.
However, i do sometimes think a day off is beneficial. If not physically, then mentally. At least for me, it is.
Great ad!
I'm with the others...I'm motivated by the fact that I can. I've had too many days that I couldn't run due to injury. Any day that I get to run is a blessing!
I don't know what the hell you guys are all talking about. I've NEVER skipped a...forget it, can't even type it sarcastically.
The only thing that gets me out there some days is knowing that I'll feel a helluva lot better when I'm done.
I'm with you, some days are easier than others. But thanks for that grea Nike ad - damn, now I think I will have it in the back of my mind, too!
Now that's a good advertisement!
While I don't respect Nike as a running brand, they do a phenomenal marketing job. That ad definitely makes me want to go run. Right now.
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