Packet pick-up on Saturday: Instead of a t-shirt, the race gave out beer glasses. Sweet. I have too many race t-shirts I never wear anyway.
Miles 1-3:
The first mile was REALLY crowded. Essentially the space we had was too narrow for that many runners; plus, some people clearly did not line up according to pace and there were walkers mingling with the runners (which, I have no issues with people who walk a race -- in fact, it's totally fine, but start in the BACK! if you're walking, you can NOT start in the 7-9:00 minute bracket, sorry). Additionally, people who were running in groups were taking up huge sections of the course. C'mon, people! No more than two abreast! Sheesh.
So, my first mile was outta whack in terms of pace, and I was kinda forced to run with the crowd, and I was trying not to swerve, but I couldn't help it as I attempted to pull away from people. This added quite a bit to my end mileage. Dangit.
After that first mile, I was able to establish my own pace, and really, the first 3 miles were pretty dull: nothing but highway, baby.
1: 10:00
2: 9:31
3: 9:43
Miles 4-Finish:
At the 3rd mile, we entered Hollywood Studios (formerly "MGM"), and the scenery improved. The vertigo (yes, still lingering a bit) had been making me a little nauseous in mile 3, but I'd been able to run through it, and the 4th mile felt good.
The last few miles were the most fun (as is typical of every Disney World race), and as we circled into Disney's resort area and finally into Epcot, I felt pretty good, even though I couldn't pick up the pace. But that's something I partially blame on the course. That's one complaint about a Disney course: It's often somewhat narrow, and in some places there's only room for about 3-4 runners abreast, so it makes it kinda difficult to maneuver, but also, the course winds through the parks and resorts, and again, and while this makes the course scenic, all this twisting and turning forces you to slow some. Lastly, Disney -- despite what all their race paraphernalia claims -- is not flat. Especially through Epcot: The bridges offer plenty of hills, so while the scenery here is fun, it's kind of a challenging final leg of any race.
4: 9:43
5: 9:41
6: 9:35
.37: 3:10 (yup, .17 additional mileage -- damn you swerving! why can't I keep a straight line?)
Total Race Time: 1:01:25
I'm a little disappointed in the time because I thought I could do it in under an hour, and without that .17 tacked to the end, I probably would have at least come it right at the 60 minute mark, but oh well. This was my first 10K race, so no matter the time, it's a PR.
Here I am coming along toward the finish:
Here I am after the finish: Sweet medal, right? I think it's one of the best medals I have. It's a chef hat with a miniature fork, spoon, and knife dangling from it. Cool, isn't it?
After the race, I got to partake of 3 tasting stations, and here I am with my favorite: Strawberry shortcake!
It was another good Disney race -- well-organized, scenic course, excellent medal, delicious food at the end -- so I had an excellent time.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's report on the Wine and Food Festival (in short, 2 thumbs up!); hope everyone had a nice weekend -- I'll catch up with you later! Ciao.
Beer glass = excellent race swag...I agree, I have too many cotton t-shirts that I never wear.
I also get frustrated with walkers who are lined up in the 9-10 min mile area. They really have no idea.
Great race report! Hey, a PR is a PR!
Good job on the run and yay for a cool glass. I'm probably the only one around with too many of those (Beer Geek collects them), but that's still cool.
Yay! Great job!
Great job. I guess if you are going for a Disney race you get more than a PR, you get DISNEY! So there is no reason to be disappointed. I assume too that you would have gotten under an hour for your 6.2 miles. You did great in spite of the narrow paths, the hills/bridges and the people who liked to walk in the front.
mmmm, strawberry shortcake sounds so good. good job on the race!
There is no beer in that glass !?!
Nice work !
Good Job! Was the food tasting great?
I just had a revalation...when you said, "I have too many T-Shirts anyway,"...that you should take all those racing T-shirts and make a quilt out of them. I have never done a t-shirt quilt but I have seen them and they look great. I bet if you let Jerry buy that sewing machine he could do it! Just a thought.
That is an awesome medal! Congratulations and that shortcake sounds good!
Brilliant! When I did Race for the Taste - no medal :-(
FYI - my blog is back up but you may need to rebuild the link
Lovin' the idea of the beer glass for swag. That is too awesome! Nice job on your first 10K race... you may be a little disappointed with your finishing time, but just think of how fun it will be to break your PR next time?!?!
hey! we were there today! hubby ran it this is a sweet glass indeed- my daughter claimed it for herself though...oh well. :) good job!
Congratulations! Nice job on your first 10K too. WoooT!
That was really nice with the glass and a supah sweet medal! You look so cute as usual :-) You totally would have you your under hour without the crowed mile and the extra monuvering you had to do. Great job Jess!!
Beer glass = ingenious.
Medal = fricken super.
Walkers = people I shouldn't see until they cross the finish line whilst I'm spectating drinking my post race libation.
Great race report! Sounds like such a fun time!!!
Congratulations on your first 10K!
That is an awesome medal, and sweet that you got to taste some food at the end.
Fabulous job Jess! ;D I *heart* that photo finish of you. You look so stinkin happy! Awesome pic!
awww, your race report brings back memories of when I did this race 2 years ago. I have that medal too, love it! You did great, glad you had a wonderful time! I wish I would have just spent the money and done the race, it's such a fun one!
Great job on the race. A beer glass is much better then a race shirt
Oh yum! Nice splits! I saw info on this race at the Chicago Marathon expo and sounded like a fun race.
Yep, on the inside of my left wrist!
Nice job on your first!! That's a great pace!!
"and I don't think I can look at them anymore. Or I will feel indecent." Come on. You were never decent. Right? Right. ;)
Great job! Sounds like an interesting race.
Great job.
That is one awesome medal!!! Congrats!
congrats on the PR.
Nice work! I love that they gave out beer glasses. The Disney race I did a few years ago they gave out the world's ugliest racing singlet.
Sounds like a fun race! Glad you had a good time.
Beer glass is awesome. I'm sure you have a full drawer of race shirts you don't wear so it's nice to get something else. Love the medal-the dangling utensils rock.
Great job on the race! I have the same gripe about walkers and people who run in groups. What's wrong with people?
What a great medal for a 10k! Actually, it's better than most marathon medals I've seen.
I love your big smile at the end of the race. Great job!
Another fun race! Congrats on the PR! Great pics!
Beer mug!! Awesome medal!! Taste stations!!! Looking strong!!!! What's not to love? :-)
awesome job!!!! i always have a lot of extra distance from swerving too :( so annoying!
great race and very awesome medal!
I want a beer glass. I always get tacky t-shirts ALL THE TIME! DANG IT !! Saaaahhhwweet, hat off to you for getting the job done. Hey, I am all set to visit DisneyWorld for vacation in a couple weeks.
congrats on a fun race! sounds like the yumminess at the end made up for lack of maneuverability on the course...righhht haha!
Beer glass, sweet medal and tasting stations... sounds like a good race to me. ;)
Sorry to hear you didn't come in at the time you wanted, but congrats on the PR!
F yes to the pint glass! Take notice, race directors! Nice job on the PR.
Nice job, nice swag and a cool medal!
Sounds like you had a great race and I like the perks of cool medal, beer glass and food stations. Almost makes me want to take up running... almost!
Feel like I haven't seen you in 4ever. Can't wait till Halloween. Juan Cinco, Rio and I have our costumes squared away. Just working on Miss Rylee's.
Great race and I bet it was a blast! You are one of the few that take a good race picture. Mine are always with some agonizing facial picture. haha
Cool medal!
Congratulations!!! I'm especially jealous of the food at the end - what a great reason to want to get to the end faster :)
damn you are a racing maniac!! The beer glass rocks. That's an idea!
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