Now, I am on to my current task, which is to eat through all the Halloween candy. First, I annihilated the Smarties, then I moved on to Twix, and now I am consuming the Starburst. But I only like the red ones, so this requires methodically sorting through the two-Starburst packages and plucking out the reds and tossing the others back in the cauldron.
Oh...Jackpot! I just opened a double red package! Sweet.
That's funny. I prioritize the eating of tootsie pops myself. I don't care too much about starbursts though
Glad you are feeling better. Enjoy the red ones - their my favorite too.
I'd be happy to take the Kit Kats off your hands. I'm not much into non-chocolate candies.
Glad you are feeling better!
I like the pink and the red starburts! I almost forgot your love for smarties! :)
You and I need to pair up and tackle the starbursts. I hate the red ones, and love the rest. We'd make a great team!
Just think, if you mixed cold meds, smarties AND starburst, you could make the US olympic team!
The smarties remind me of my Papa, he loves them, smuggles to the grandkids every time I walk out the door. I love my dad. Anyhow he has a sweet tooth, (I DONT), but my downfall is dark chocolate. Although I try to avoid it unless its necessary (only for bad moods, good moods, when the kids are gone, when the kids are home, when the dishes need to be done, when laundry needs to be folded, when ... oh hell. I guess Dark Chocolate is Always on my menu).
We have to get more candy cuz we ate through most of our current stash. It's just too tempting!
Nice job, Jess!
Ooh! Red Starburst are the best! Followed closely by the pink ones.
I've been holding off on the Halloween candy until after Niagara, but as soon as its done, I'm sooooo getting me some!
I totally remember this from last year! LOL!
Very nice. I like the Sweet Tarts, Crunchie and Crispy Crunch. Atleast I can say Crispy Crunch is healthier cause it has peanut butter.
huh. you LOVE THE RED? Starbursts are the only candy which I *almost* dont like PERIOD :)
emphasis on the almost as, since there is sugar in them thar squares, I eat them anyway.
I do the same with the starburst. It is funny how you can really get excited when you find the colors you like!
Holy crap now that's a lot of candy!
you are so know what? I HATE the red ones...too much...sweetness not enough tartness - i love yellow, pink and orange :) give me those any day
You're gonna be sick...
Haha oh gosh all that candy would make me sick to my stomach!
Pink, pink, pink!! Those are the best!
Oy, get the Halloween candy away from me already. I've already polished off a bag :-X
That's why we buy something we wouldn't eat. When I say "we", I mean "my wife". I always manage to "forget" our policy and buy some Reeses' PB Cups. Mmmmmmmm
It's cauldron time again? Hard to believe Sir Scoot doesn't break into that. It's a good thing, though.
Snickers! Good job on having the 'fun size' snickers and not the 'bite size' ones. The bite size ones just make me mad, because that's totally not enough Snickers and I have to eat 3 just to make up for it.
MMMM, Halloween Candy!!!
I could NOT leave it out like that or I'd be in big trouble. Enjoy!
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