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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Got a Run Done

Usually, each night, Jerry and I each take a kid and handle each kid's bedtime routine (Caleb's "routine" is a bit of a joke since he hasn't yet figured out that it's a routine, and he most often doesn't go down for the night until about 9 or 9:30, but we are trying to convince him that bedtime should be a more reasonable 7 or 8).  But, last night, Jerry took them both so I could go and run.

It was awesome.

I went out at about 7 pm, when the night is a bit more bearable -- temp-wise -- and did a 3 miler.  It took me 34:04, and I think my average pace was about 11:25/mile.  Still slow, but 15 seconds faster per mile than what I started with a few weeks ago!

It was so nice to be back and showered before 8 pm.  Norah was asleep by then, so the only thing left to do in the evening was pace the house holding Caleb for an hour.  And, actually, to give credit where it's due: After an hour, I had to hand him off (the boy is HEAVY) and Jerry's the one who eventually got him to fall asleep.  (When Norah was a baby, I nicknamed Jerry "the baby whisperer" because he always had the magic touch -- or timing -- to get a cranky baby to sleep.  With Caleb, he still holds his "whisperer" title.)

I'm hoping I can either convince Jerry, or get him drunk enough, to repeat the favor tonight because I really liked last night!


Julie D said...

You SHOULD! I don't even think that warrants a "favor." Great job on the run!

Marlene said...

Hahahaha, get him drunk enough - I like that! Sounds like the routine worked!

Anonymous said...

Good show! You'll probably get a downward bump in time once Fall rolls around...in November.

Kristyn said...

Yay for Dad's that will pull double duty. we have the same general arrangement in our house with our 1 and 3.5 yr olds. Last night hubby took care of bath time for both of them so I could get in a workout!

Erin said...

Promise him some luvin' and you won't have to ask again.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Not a favor at all, just sharing the parenting. Besides J is better at getting them down anyway. ;-) (play to his ego)

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like a perfect night!

Nicole @ Haute Runner said...

Yay! Great run! Hopefully Jerry will agree to the arrangement tonight too! Sober or not...

MCM Mama said...

Glad you got in a good run. Our bedtime routine now isn't really anything more than putting the kids in bed and turning out the light, but I still appreciate those nights when Beer Geek takes care of it for me. ;o)

Carolina John said...

Very cool! Supportive husbands are the best. You made the right call getting him to handle the kids.

Mom, inc. said...

if only that could be every night!

just curious though, will caleb sleep all night if you put him down earlier? or have you found that an earlier bedtime doesn't matter. we are doing some experimenting with bedtimes..