All last week, I felt as though the cold I'd had was lingering and I just wasn't feeling better, but I think the case was that I was just coming down with virus numero dos. And by Friday, I felt like total ick again: I was super congested, my throat ached, and worst of all, my eyes were really irritated and filling with goo. I went to bed Friday night at the grand hour of 8:30 pm, and at one point, I woke in the night with my eyes literally glued together with goop. At that point, I thought I was gonna have to see a dr. over the weekend because I was thinking I had pink eye. But ignoring it and getting lots of extra sleep over the weekend has seemingly help me improve and my eyes, at least, don't seem to be a threat-level-red anymore. Granted, I have a cough right now that sounds as though I've had a long Marlboro habit, but I'd probably sound pretty good singing "Smelly Cat" right now!
Valentine's Date
A few weeks ago, we had arranged with friends to repeat our babysitting-swap this weekend as they had concert tickets for tonight. So, yesterday, Jerry and I got to enjoy our delayed V-Day celebration. We dropped Norah off at noon, and had an afternoon date: Japanese Hibachi for lunch, and for dessert? Massages! It was glorious. I wish I got massaged every day. Like the hour before bed time. That would be suh-weet!
To Train or not to Train -- It's a Poopy Question
For the longest time, Jerry and I had settled on the idea that we'd hold off on potty training Norah until after Caleb is born. It seemed that everyone had been telling us that if we tried beginning her potty training now that she'd regress once her baby brother was born; however, in the past few weeks, she's been giving us signals that have been hard to ignore. And this morning, as she was pooping in her diaper, she looked at me and said, "Poo-poo!" That seemed like a clear sign that she's beginning to understand these bodily functions and that, perhaps, we should ignore what we've been told and at least been to get her aquainted with the potty. So, we went out and bought her a training toilet and this afternoon, she sat on it and gave it a test-sit.
start now when SHE is ready. my kids are 14 months apart and i never had a problem. all that nonsense about regressing when the second baby makes his way is hogwash! take advantage of it now and get that baby girl out of diapers! you'll be thanking yourself later!
around the same age as Norah, Nick started to say GOTTA GO POOP!!! and did great - consistently going on the potty every night before his bath and at various times through the day. Now he refuses so we are taking a break. I hear girls are easier than boys so I hope it works for you! I've heard that too about regressing.. but I don't buy it!
I wish Miller would get a clue on the potty training. He's stubborn. Embrace it and think of the cost savings of months without diapers!
Thanks again for the swap. Glad you could enjoy a date and glad I have no hearing left from that concert; except that annoying ringing noise...
Hooray belated V-Day celebration! As long as you got it in. My gf and I had to do ours early since it landed on a weekday this year and that was the only time she was going to be able to be in town for a few weeks.
I agree, if Norah acts like she is ready to do this, don't hold back! Hope you had a good weekend.
i have no worldly advice as i'm not yet a mother, but i certainly have an opinion and i can't imagine why you would choose to ignore signs when a)changing diapers surely stinks b)its gotta be cheaper and c)so what if she regresses?
I think you're doing the right thing by listening to her! I'm sure regression is better than starting from zilch.
I have no idea what the "right" thing to do is when it comes to potty training, but it seems like you're making a good call by at least getting her used to the potty. Hope potty training goes well!
Already reading on the john - she's a natural!
Hope you feel better... for real this time!
Sorry you got hit with another virus. Beer Geek seems to be doing the back to back cold thing as well.
As far as potty training, if she's showing interest, go with it. Both my boys trained in about three days when they decided they were ready. (Although we went through about 18 outfits the first day Shoo said no more diaper. It took him a couple of days to figure out that no diaper meant he had to use the potty LOL.)
nothing worse than being sick and pregnat! Hope you are feeling better! There is wisdom sometimes in parenting advice, but often, your own experience is what counts. Good luck!
I think its a great idea to let them get used to the potty even if you're not going to start training. Marcus has been telling us about his pooing and peeing for months now but he's still a bit resistant to the potty so I think he needs a bit more time...
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