Went to the beach today, and it was a beautiful day for beachin'. Norah played with her sand toys but not in the actual sand. She crawled onto the sand, and was like "WTF is this stuff?" and she stayed off of it after that.

Jerry tried taking her out into the waves, but she also wanted nothing to do with that. The water was a little too cold for her anyway. Still, she liked watching all the kids run in and out of the surf, so eventually I'm sure she'll be brave.

So, despite not wanting to play in either the sand or the surf, she still seemed to have fun playing on the blanket and doing some people watching (that's fun no matter how old you are). And the best part? That ocean air tires a baby out, so she's now crashed out in her crib for a nap!
What a fun day! I am jealous of your beach weather. I am wrapped up in a blanket...sunny but cold here in MN.
Nice day out. Norah looks more like Jerry every day.
Love the beach. Sand gets old though, don't blame Norah for staying away from it!
Successful day at the beach! Norah is a bright gal- that sand can be pretty pesky and get e-ve-ry-where!
aww what a gorgeous day - looks like a ton of fun. Nick was the same at first w/ the sand, haha. WTF is this stuff?
Miller wasn't a fan of the sand at that age either. It's a texture thing. He still takes a little bit to warm up to it. He liked to people watch but we did get him in the water. That will come in time. Let us know the next time you go. Jerry can try to drown my kid instead of yours.
Keep making those memories!! Enjoy her babyhood...tomorrow she will be a teen.
Too funny that she wasn't a fan of the sand... or surf. Looks like a great family day at the beach!
Adorable! In no time, you'll be chasing her in the waves.
What a sweetie! I always find the water on that side of the ocean cold!! Brrrr :-)
aww what a cutie pie!!
ok so I will do the 10K this weekend if you are coming! I'll just plan to run to and from the race so I get in my long run :)
norah is not the only one who gets tired out from the ocean air ;)
but she sure can rock the one-piece!! ;)
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