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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Sports

Low-down on the x-country skiing yesterday:
  • It was snowing and blowing pretty hard. Hard enough that we only spent about an hour out there. On our return leg to the car, we were all pretty frozen.
  • I fell down 3 times.
  • Not hard, just sort of plopped over into two feet of snowy fluff.
  • It was a good workout. Despite the wind biting my cheeks, the rest of me was quite warm from the exertion.
  • Afterward, I was very hungry. Must mean I burned some serious calories. I hope so. The rest of the time, we've done nothing but eat and lay around.

So to continue the full MN experience, today, we may do some snowmobiling. See, my parents' garage is like a warehouse of gasoline powered toys: They have snowmobiles, ATVs, dirt bikes and motorcycles. Essentially, if it requires oil, they have it. Several of it. So, my stepdad (who is the manager of quality control for Arctic Cat) has been eager for us to try out two of his brand new sleds, and since we just got a fresh dumping of the white stuff yesterday, I guess it's good snowmobiling conditions.

Me, I'm not so into driving them, but I'll ride on one if Jerry drives. I would NOT ride with either of my brothers or my stepdad. They like speed. Like, 120 mph kind of speed. That is not for me in a car, let alone on a snowmobile. No way.


nwgdc said...

Manager of Quality Control at Arctic Cat?

Be sure to let him know that if he needs other "testers" of new equipment, you know a guy in Wisconsin!

teacherwoman said...

Oh I love snowmobiling! I would love to get up to the farm this Christmas to do so, we have so much snow around here!

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like a very fun vacation. Stay warm and enjoy.

Marlene said...

I am terrified of those things! Have fun, and be safe.

Erin said...

Sounds like you are having a good time despite the frigid temps. I had one snowmobiling experience and it was sour. Same with downhill skiing. Both involved the same boyfriend so maybe it was him and not what we were doing.

Anonymous said...

I am like you. I'll go along for the ride, but I don't want to drive. Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun. Enjoy the snow.

X-Country2 said...

I've never x-country skied before, but I've always wanted to try it. I hear it's a great workout. Stay safe!

chia said...

Wow, I so want his job :-).

Merry Christmas gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Good job with the cross country skiing. :-)

Kelly said...

Hmm... I wouldn't be up for the cross-country skiing, but snowmoblining sounds super fun. I used to live up in northern Wisconin, and was always envious of everyone who had one (although, up there... it's almost necessary in order to get around in the winter).

Steve Stenzel said...

Mmmm, gasoline toys. HAVE FUN OUT THERE!!

E said...

I don't like the cold, but snow mobiles sound fun!

L*I*S*A said...

Have fun in the winter wonderland!!

Casey said...

I'm sure falling off a 120 mph snow mobile into 2 ft of snow is a lot like falling into it while skiing... Er, probably not.

Laurel said...

Your parent's house sounds like so much fun.

J~Mom said...

Sounds super cold but fun!

Anonymous said...

My reaction to reading this makes me OFFICIALLY deem myself OLD.

Jess said...

Glad you were able to get a work out in. It was 1 degree here this morning....I can't even imagine what it's like to feel -40 with windchill...gahhh!

Anonymous said...

I would like to snowmobile some time, but I am with you on the 120 mph speed. Way too fast for me! Enjoy!

Stuart said...

Sounds like a blast...somewhat a contrast to sunny FL!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you staying warm.

David said...

So, I'm imagining the holidays munchies up that way is pretty much a sampler of Hickory Farms stuff all over the place. Good if you are out all day working and burning calories, but bad if you are catching up on soaps on the couch. Good idea to go x-country skiiing!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Wow! Sounds fun:) i should try that. We definately have enough snow here in canada.

Agate Lake Girl said...

The lasy time I drove a snowmobile I hit a barbed wire fence and nearly decapitated myself. Slippery snow, powerful machinery, and me do not mix. :)