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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Falling Down

On Sunday, while running, I tripped, fell, and scraped my left knee. (I also did something uncomfortable to my right quad because it's been aching like I ran a marathon.)  However, after I fell, I assessed the damaged, determined it wasn't anything I couldn't run through, and ran on to finish up my planned run.  The streak is now at day #330.

The fall, while real, is a good metaphor for the entire month of November.  Because Jerry and I have had a doozy of a November.

Jerry got laid off.

There's a lot to discuss here in terms of explanation, but it's boring, and it's not a tale no one hasn't heard before.  It was a blow, but:

Thankfully, Jerry had anticipated the company's downsizing and had already been pursuing a few promising leads, and since the news, he has been inundated with calls, emails, and texts with leads and opportunities.  Ironically, now that he's a "free agent," managers from across the country have been contacting him and doing their best to try and "pick him up off the waiver."  Sorry, that was a lot of sports talk.

From all this, he will most certainly find a fitting offer from another company.

Also, he received a generous severance and, with our savings, we aren't concerned about any immediate financial impact.  Plus, you know, I work too.

While we are some of the most fortunate who can receive this kind of news, it still complicates our lives and is stressful to deal with.  A new opportunity for him most certainly means moving out of state.  We will probably have options to consider, but it's a big decision, and a big move (wherein I will have to resign my job), especially since we don't yet know where or when.  That would be okay, but we're also on the verge of closing on our condo, which we've already been negotiating a sale on now for months.  We're now set to close on that at the end of December.

In the end, all of these big events will, most likely, work out just fine and maybe even better than fine -- in some ways, the lay off could be advantageous for us and maybe push to make some decisions we were reluctant to undertake before.

So, the lay off announcement pushed us down, but we didn't stay down, and while his company's decision bruised, it's nothing that won't fade and that we can't recover from.

As for the running: Tomorrow, I run in my 9th consecutive Turkey Trot 5K, a streak of its own, but I have no expectations about time this year.  My runs following Sunday's spill have been short and slow, and I doubt my legs will feel good enough tomorrow to really push myself.

Still...you never know.  Sometimes an unexpected descent means you have no where to go, but up.


Julie D said...

Sorry to hear about the layoff, but glad it looks like it will turn around quickly. I had the same experience this time last year, and it's really humbling regardless of what happens next!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

While I'm sure this is a stressful time for you both, I have a feeling things will work out even better (I know, easy for me to say, I'm not the one affected). Hopefully with all of those leads he will land something soon.

Carolina John said...

330 is a pretty incredible streak, nice feat! And sorry to hear about Jerry's layoff. I've been there before too, and I always end up in a better position than I was before. He'll land on his feet.

Lee said...

Sorry to hear about Jerry's job. It's happened to me twice and honestly, it ended up being a blessing in disguise. I know that's probably not helpful right now, but it was true for me.

MCM Mama said...

Sorry to hear about the job situation, but it sounds like some good possibilities are out there. Fingers crossed you end up in the perfect place for all of you!

Jess said...

So sorry to hear about Jerry's job, but I'm really glad it sounds like there are lots of prospects out there. Hopefully one of those leads turns into a great job soon!

Erin said...

The streak is amazing. Maybe the cards fall into place on day 365? I know things will work out but dang; I don't want you to move away!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog since you had your first baby. I'm sorry to read this and will be thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

How'd the turkey trot go?! I PR'ed!! :)