If there's one thing I get asked about, more than anything else (including questions about running while preggo and "are you really that bad at typing when you're drunk?"), it's about these orange shorts:

In fact, the orange shorts are so intriguing to some, that I even got interviewed by Sarah Bowen Shea, from Run Like a Mother, for an RW article about women's running apparel in which she and I had a very specific conversation about those shorts. Sadly, neither the shorts, nor I, made the final cut for the RW article. Orange shorts only get you so far in this world...So, what's the legacy of the orange shorts?
For those who have read from the beginning, you may recall how I started running in cotton. Yes, cotton! My goodness, how young and naive I was! Anyway, clearly cotton is the WORST choice in running fabric, and it didn't take me long to figure that out. So, I started a search for some quality running clothes, and in the fall of 2006, I stumbled upon these shorts. I don't know where I bought them (they're Nike, but I know I didn't buy them from a direct Nike retailer), or even why I bought them. Nothing about their initial purchase stands out to me. What does stand out, however, is how they've performed.
For nearly 6 years now!
These shorts never bunch, never chafe, never ride up uncomfortably in the butt. I've worn them when I've been at my leanest, trimmest self, and I've worn them when I've been 40 weeks preggo; they fit nicely either way. I've worn them to countless races, and in the past week alone, I've worn them for 3 runs.
But the magic of the orange shorts goes beyond their practicality. The magic of them is that they are unique.
Wanna buy some like 'em? Too bad. There are no duplicate shorts out there. Trust me, I've searched. I own lots of other models of Nike shorts, and while I do like Nike's shorts, especially their "tempo" model, none of their other shorts are THESE shorts. I swear, they are an anomaly. No other shorts are as comfortable or as versatile. So, to me, these shorts automatically give me a mental boost when I don them.
I almost always reserve them to wear for the week's long run, or if there's a run I know I don't want to do -- early morning, for instance -- I set them aside for those runs because putting them on immediately helps motivate me to do the run. You can't deny the power of what clothing can do for a person's self-esteem on a daily basis; if you feel good in your clothes, you simply FEEL good. Same holds true for running clothes: if they feel good, you feel like you'll run good (yeah, I'm an English professor, but sometimes the rules of grammar must be bent for higher purposes of symmetry, right?).
I hesitate to label the orange shorts my "lucky" shorts because, honestly, they haven't ever brought any particular running luck. But I can say that, like the word "orange," nothing is quite like them and their rarity is what, in part, contributes to my favoring them.
Fabric can't last for an eternity, so someday, these shorts will lose their precious elasticity and even the sturdiness of their construction will eventually fail; I dread that day, but knowing it's out there makes me value them that much more. Like all the best things in life, I know they won't last forever.
There is nothing like the perfect pair of shorts!
It's like the Sisterhood of the Orange Shorts!! They're magic! Seriously though there is nothing like a perfect piece of gear! Shorts that don't ride are priceless!
At least you wash yours frequently. I still have a pair of knee high nylons I wear in my skates.They are no longer a recognizable color, can stand on their own, and if you shake them, many layers of dead, dry skin will fall out. Luckily, my feet don't sweat in my skates. Yep, I think every one has one article of clothing they wear until it's death.
I am so crazy about a certain style of shorts that are no longer offered that Lady J has to use her sewing skills to them run ready!
Long live the orange shorts!
They're not tempo shorts? I would love to find a pair of shorts that I liked. Every single pair seems to ride up on me.
I remember your drunk typing.
huh...my fav pair of shorts are orange as well. They are Nike, too. But I know for a fact they are Pacers, which typically I HATE because they bunch up in my thigh area. Not my orange ones. I love them. Many long runs and races have seen my shorts! Alas, they are not holding up nearly as well as yours and now, 2 years later, they will soon have to be retired. :(
I love that you have loved those awesome orange shorts for 6 years! New things a great but old trusted items are a rare thing indeed!
Everybody loves orange!
I know the feeling! I am running in a pair of running tights for 8 years now myself! I don't run in shorts really, but if these were made available I would buy them after reading this!
Why is it that when you find the perfect something, you can never find it in duplicate?!
Oh I wish I had a pair of shorts like that!! I have such a hard time finding shorts- they either bunch, chafe, look awful, or cause wedgies on me. I just think I am not a shorts person...
Nice stuff! Keep up the work on posts like this....enjoyed it.
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