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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Blogging

...has been pretty lax as of late.

I have excuses, but they're boring and basically boil down to: I've been busy and haven't felt like it.

But here's what you need to know:

Kids and I have hit our summer stride, and we're having a great time doing all kinds of parks (regular and water), museums, and swimming basically everyday.  I was just thinking the other day how nicely "mushy" my brain has become in the last few weeks as I haven't had to think about anything work-related in 6 weeks.  It's quite lovely to reach this sublime state, and even though summer SAHMing is its own kind of work, it's been nice to have a break in our school year routines.

We are tanned, pickled in chlorine, and loving it!

On the running front, I have continued to streak, and am on day #...something.  See, I told you I had a lovely mushy brain.  Guess I have to go check the stats...

...okay, checked them: Day #169.

Last week's mileage was weak, and I took not 1, but 2, minimal mile days, but it was a necessity.  This week, the running has started off strong, super hot (90s everyday here lately), but strong.  It's a sweat-fest, but that's summer for ya.


Julie D said...

Blogging is hard when you're out of routine! (Blogging is also hard when you're IN routine, but that's another story...)

Glad you're enjoying being at home! Makes me wish I had some kids and a summer off... okay, maybe just a summer off for now...

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

WooHooo! Happy Day #169. You are racking them up!

I agree summer blogging is tough. Plus everyone has already seen all the interesting photos of bugs, my food and kids booboos on every other social media. Few people actually want the back story.

B. Kramer said...

If you don't make it to 200, I'm going to feel cheated. Thanks for not disorienting me with a new layout. Cheers!

Jess said...

That's one impressive streak you've got going there! I've been enjoying the pictures of fun summer stuff on FB!

Anonymous said...

I am glad it's a sweat-fest and not a sweat-feast!

Carolina John said...

Are you sure that bliss isn't actually a delusion from the south Florida summer sun? Like how people wander the desert hallucinate. You only think you're having fun when you're actually being boiled alive or something?

Agate Lake Girl said...

Mushy brain good... :)