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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rest Day

Right now, I am not running every day. My goal has been to run 3-4 days a week -- typically, I run Mon, Wed, Fri and try to run a day on the weekend, but if I don't, I don't -- and on the "off" days, I have been trying to enjoy some other less strenuous forms of exercise. Principally, walking, doing some light weight lifting (and by light, I mean literally light -- I don't own hand weights that weigh more than 5 lbs), and returning to the prenatal yoga (more on that later).

This schedule has been nice and seems to be working smoothly so far. In a perfect preggo-world, I would run farther, faster, and more frequently, but my 12 miles a week or so actually has been working out well: It's enough to make me feel as though I'm still keeping up with my running, but it's not so much that it takes any toll on me. Plus, I admit to liking my "off" days, a day like today.

Thus, this afternoon, I did a leisurely walk with Scooter -- and you have to really emphasize the "leisure" part of this because with Scooter, it's "walk, walk, walk, stop and sniff for a bit, then walk, walk, walk...oh, squirrel! walk fast! now, stop and sniff again, walk, walk, stop and stare at something my mom can't see" etc -- yeah, we don't get anywhere real fast. Anyway, after our walk, I did my 10 minute strength training DVD and did the upper body segment, an area I'm really lacking in, stretched and called it good.

So, yeah, my x-train days are basically glorified rest days, but at least I did that activity before I settled on to the couch and read for an hour! Could've just skipped the walk and weights for more reading time, but I was good; plus, the bit of exercise before sloth makes the sloth that much more enjoyable!


lee said...

That's what my walks with Murphy are like too. He has to sniff everything and try to pee on it. I've tried to take him running but it's the same thing. He'll abruptly stop to smell something and I'll either trip on him or come close to falling on my face.

N.D. said...

take advantage of prego exercise and not feeling like you have to push it or train for something. I enjoyed it especially when I had to stop running (with #2)!

Marlene said...

Your rest day activities definitely count for something! Noce job. Glad you are able to keep up with some running too!

MCM Mama said...

I've been taking lots of rest days and I'm not even pregnant. Sounds like you are balancing things well.

Heather said...

Sounds like a perfect preggo exercise routine.

Razz said...

OK, I'm getting caught up here. First off...congratulations on the next baby!

Secondly, my dog does the same thing, but he's 70 lbs. Always high comedy when my wife takes him for a walk.

runner26 said...

you are doing way better than i re: the exercise! i am hoping to go to prenatal yoga after break, but right now, exercise is minimal.

d.a.r. said...

Way to go!! Enjoy your (well deserved) down time!