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Monday, July 08, 2013

Taking a "Rest" Week

Toward the end of June, my left ankle began to make some complaints.  It's what'd I'd consider an ache more than anything, a dull pain at the most, but still, combined with some general running fatigue and once again a failing Garmin, my enthusiasm for running and for the streak was waning.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to quit streaking -- today will be day #188, which is officially more than halfway through the year -- I can't stop now, can I?  No, I didn't want to quit running, but I definitely needed some kind of break.

Since last week was busy anyway -- my SIL was visiting all week and we packed our days with fun times and it was the 4th, which was, as Norah described, "the best day ever!" -- I figured it was a good time to scale the mileage back to the minimum.  So, last week I only ran 20 miles.  Not that I've been running any BIG mileage this summer, but downsizing to 20 miles did feel like a significantly easier week, and I think it helped the ankle feel a bit less grouchy.

Still, I have a watchful eye on it.

If only all my joints could be replaced with bionic ones!  I'd never have to rest again!

Plus, I'd probably be a superhero or something.


B. Kramer said...

I wish I could call 20 miles resting. Hope the ankle gremlins go away. Cheers!

Unknown said...

I can barely run two days in a row without pain (the bad kind). You did great making it to 188 before having to scale back (which by the way, is not exactly resting, but I get what you are saying)

Mom, inc. said...

you're still kicking my ass, lady! hope the aches go away soon!